Salish Sea
“Salish” is the native name for the extraordinary body of water tucked inside Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula. Native tribes thrived here for millennia on the rich marine resources, and little has changed. Shellfish and salmon both abound. The Pacific oysters grown here are a bit saltier and crisper than the ones grown way down in Puget Sound, owing to better ocean exposure. See also British Columbia Oysters

Samish Bay
Samish Bay, Washington

Hog Island Cliffside
Discovery Bay, Washington

Judd Cove
Orcas Island, Washington

Disco Hama
Discovery Bay

Shoal Bay Flat
Shoal Bay, Lopez Island

Olympia (Lopez Island)
Shoal Bay, Lopez Island

Penn Cove Select
Samish Bay, Washington

Lopez Island
Shoal Bay, Lopez Island

Naked Roy
Samish Bay, Washington

Otter Cove
Discovery Bay, Washington

Nordic Knute
Samish Bay, Washington

Westcott Bay
Westcott Bay, San Juan Island

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