With frigid waters year-round, Maine oysters grow slowly, and that slowness results in unparalleled depth, firmness, and complexity when those oysters are allowed to take the 3-4 years they need to reach a decent size and develop a deep cup. These oysters tend to have a light and very clean brine. See also Damariscotta (Maine) Oysters

Abigail Pearl
Scarborough River, Maine

Snow Island
Midcoast Maine

Robinhood Cove, Maine

Basket Island
Casco Bay, Maine

Weskeag River, Maine

New Meadows River, Maine

Bagaduce River, Maine

Winter Point
Mill Cove, Bath, Maine

Flying Point
Maquoit Bay, Maine

Little Island
Bagaduce River, Maine

Gay Island
Meduncook River, Maine

Scarborough River, Maine

North Haven
North Haven Island, Maine

European Flat
Maine Coast

Waukeag Neck
Mount Desert Narrows, Maine

Johns River
Johns River, Maine

Taunton Bay
Taunton Bay, Maine

Little Buster
Casco Bay

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