Gulf Coast
The largest remaining oyster reefs in the world are found in Louisiana. Not long ago, the Gulf of Mexico produced most of the oysters in the U.S. Since the BP oil spill, those numbers have been way down, but if you see a generic oyster in a supermarket or a raw bar, it’s probably still a Gulf oyster, which is a strain of Eastern oyster. They tend to be large, tender, meaty, and mild (due to the freshwater influence of the Mississippi River). Oyster farming is just beginning in the Gulf, but it shows huge promise.

Murder Point
Portersville Bay, Alabama

Big Tree
Copano Bay, Texas

Lavaca Bay
Lavaca Bay, Texas

Whitehead Reef
Galveston Bay, Texas

Pepper Grove
Galveston Bay, Texas

Point aux Pins
Grand Bay, Alabama

Portersville Bay

Matagorda Pearl
Matagorda Bay, Texas

Aransas Bay, Texas

Aransas Bay, Texas

Blackjack Point
Aransas Bay, Texas

Pelican Reef
Cedar Key, Florida

Beauregard Island
Caminada Bay, Louisiana

Isle Dauphine
Dauphin Island, Alabama

Copano Cream
Copano Bay, Texas

Apalachicola Bay, Florida

Caminada Bay
Caminada Bay, Louisiana

Gulf Coast
Gulf of Mexico

Gulf Coast

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