Wildcat Cove
Totten Inlet, Puget Sound 🌎 See Oyster Map
Wildcat Cove is a gorgeous alcove where Little Skookum Inlet branches off of Totten Inlet. These rich waters have grown rich oysters for well over a century. Wildcat Coves are started in bags and finished on the beaches of South Sound, with all the classic funk that implies.
- Species: Pacific
- Cultivation: Bags-to-Beach
- Salinity: Moderate
- Size: Small
- Region: Puget Sound
Wildcat Cove (4 Ratings)
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Transported to the Pacific Northwest with this one. Love.
Found this one to have a nice balance of brine and the west coast melon/cucumber flavor. Agree with Rowan on the “pickled” aspect in the flavor of this oyster.
Very small and surprisingly salty tumbled oysters from either Totten or Hammersley Inlet. Strong flavor of pickled green melon rind.