Utah Beach
Normandy 🌎 See Oyster Map
Utah Beach is where things went down on D-Day. Liberated from Axis rule, the French were free to do what they do best–grow oysters. Utah Beach has since become famous for the fat, salty oysters that grow on this cold, windy stretch of Normandy coast. As in Cancale, the tides are huge here, and the beach firm, perfect conditions for “French Tables”–aka, rack-and-bag. Utah Beach oysters have unusually complex lives. When young, they are started on the west coast of the Cotentin (Cherbourg) Peninsula of Normandy, then moved to the much richer waters of Utah Beach (east of the peninsula) for fattening. THEN, when they are ready for market, they are brought BACK to the west coast of the peninsula for a last touch of that cold, North Atlantic “iodized” sea flavor the French prize in their oysters. The best of both worlds…or so the Utah Beach growers would say.
- Species: Pacific
- Cultivation: Rack-and-bag
- Salinity: Briny
- Size: Large
- Region: France
Utah Beach (2 Ratings)
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Absolutely delicious when tasted in Paris in April 2024. Perfect balance of sweet and salt. Big, firm body. These are famous for a reason.
Awfully good, fat and rich, with plump meat and beautiful shells. The salt and iodine on the finish is a bit overpowering, which is the only thing that keeps them from being 5-star oysters.