Savage Blonde
Prince Edward Island 🌎 See Oyster Map
Also known as Savage Harbour. Cultivated by Russell and Jacob Dockendorff in a unique spot on Prince Edward Island. Savage Harbour is on the north side of the island, but far east of the main growing areas. The oysters are raised in floating cages and flipped regularly to keep the shells strong and clean. Classic PEI flavor profile.
Savage Blonde (6 Ratings)
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Superb rich chicken stock finish, even in March. Sampled at Boite aux Huitres in Montreal’s Jean Talon Market.
Small to medium oyster with a nice fresh brine
Lightly briney liquor and mildly metallic on the finish. An oyster with a clean but complex flavour. Delicious!
Recently became one of my favorites. Small to medium sized with very clean, nicely cupped shells.
Nice fresh brine, plump tender meats, and a refreshing mineral finish.
AKA Savage Blonde. Exceptional. Small but the flavor and texture is top notch. You just kind of shake your head when you have one. It must be a pretty special spot there on Martha’s Vineyard to be producing these little guys. They are very high integrity and offered the greatest sense of what an oyster is that I’ve gotten out of all I’ve tried to date. And the shells of these should probably be saved, crushed and sprinkled on your tomato plants!
One of my TOP FIVE P.E.I. oysters – Savage Blonde YUM!