Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand 🌎 See Oyster Map
The first farmed version of Ostrea chilensis, also known as the New Zealand Bluff oyster and the Chilean oyster. It’s closely related to the European Flat (aka, Belon) and has that same metallic, battery-terminal zap on the tongue. Crazy, fascinating, very intense oyster. Began appearing in the States (thank you, Waterbar) in 2014.
- Species: New Zealand Flat
- Cultivation: Suspended
- Salinity: Moderate
- Size: Average
- Region: Antipodes
Kiwa (1 Rating)
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Few oysters in the world are able to leave such a bold impression. Intense, peppery brine, metallic tang, and creamy-yolky finish. These perfect little bites (2.5-3 inches) are not for the faint of heart…
More thoughts on the Kiwa Flats: https://instagram.com/p/6EHZl6OIYe