Ichabod Flat
Kingston Bay, Massachusetts 🌎 See Oyster Map
Meaty intertidal oyster from the famed mudflats of Plymouth, the same body of water that produces Rocky Nook, Duxbury, Standish Shore, and Island Creek.
- Species: Eastern
- Cultivation: Bags-to-Beach
- Salinity: Briny
- Size: Average
- Region: Massachusetts
Ichabod Flat (3 Ratings)
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Fairly common northeastern oyster. Pretty briny, a little buttery. Not particularly complex but available year round and you know what you’re gonna get.
A decent oyster by Northeastern standards, not the best, not the worst. Had them many times around New England as they are a prominent year-round oyster.
(3.5/5) This rating is based on a meal at Row34 (owned by Island Creek) in Boston in March. A med/large sized, briny oyster, they have a very clean taste as do most decent Northeastern oysters. They have a medium firmness within the spectrum of the more-firm Northeastern oyster. Beyond their clean brine, there’s not much else going on in terms of flavor, which I think would make them a bit uninteresting to a more experienced oyster aficionado.
Classic Cape Cod Bay oyster profile: Briny, buttery, and rich, like seafood bisque. Really good. Nice size and shell shape. Eaten at Shaw’s Crab House in Chicago.