Grassy Bar
Morro Bay, California 🌎 See Oyster Map
Grown in suspension culture in the high-energy, low-precipitation environment of Morro Bay, a well-protected estuary on the central California coast, accounting for the thin shells, deep cups, and very briny flavor.
- Species: Pacific
- Cultivation: Suspended
- Salinity: Briny
- Size: Small
- Region: California
Grassy Bar (2 Ratings)
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Can’t believe there aren’t more five star reviews for these. Just the ideal oyster experience, right amount of brininess, superb “ocean” flavor at the finish!
Absolutely one of the best choices for fresh oysters on the West Coast. Available in a small size (2-3″ shell length), making them great for oysters on the half shell and a medium size (3-4″ shell length); excellent on the grill for a summertime BBQ!