First Light
Popponesset Bay, Cape Cod 🌎 See Oyster Map
A lovely name for an oyster whose harvesters must be some of the first in the country to see the rising sun each morning. Grown by the Wampanoag Tribe of Mashpee, whose descendents have been harvesting oysters in the area, well, pretty much forever. Grown in trays staked to the beach.
- Species: Eastern
- Cultivation: Trays
- Salinity: Briny
- Size: Average
- Region: Massachusetts
First Light (2 Ratings)
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Just got these in to the restaurant and 200 went in a day and a half. Lovely brine up front followed by buttery notes and umami seaweedy notes. Complex prifile to my palette.
Salty, savory, and bright as the dawn. Classic Cape profile.