Colville Bay
Souris River, PEI 🌎 See Oyster Map
Unique oyster grown rack-and-bag by lobsterman/oysterman Johnny Flynn on a completely different side of the island from the rest, and culled mercilessly for quality, Colville Bays are famed for their rich flavor and jade green shells. Canada’s most sought-after oyster.
- Species: Eastern
- Cultivation: Rack-and-bag
- Salinity: Briny
- Size: Large
- Region: Maritime
Colville Bay (10 Ratings)
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In USA my favorite are from Duxbury MA. But then while in PEI I had Colville.
Life is good
Excellent + popular oyster. They are available seasonally at many restaurants in Toronto supplied exclusively by Oyster Boy.
Delicious, buttery with a moderate salinity.
Sweet. Pretty tasty.
Texture, taste, and salinity are all married perfectly thanks to Johnny Flynn.
My favourite! I’ve been wanting to try Colville Bay’s for awhile and was hooked right away. I had them at an all you can eat oyster festival in Halifax N.S. and I certainly ate as many as I could!
Sadly unavailable in the US, I’ve only tasted them once. Hands down the cleanest, most well-rounded virginica I’ve ever had. Beautiful tear drop shape, larger than most Canadian maritime half shells, and nice sweet algae mineral finish.
Sadly unavailable in the US, I’ve only tasted them once. Hands down the cleanest, most well-rounded virginica I’ve ever had. Beautiful tear drop shape, larger than most Canadian maritime half shells, and nice sweet algae mineral finish.
They don’t come any finer. Like buttery salted popcorn. There’s some magic at work in the Souris River–and quite possibly in Johnny Flynn’s touches.
As mouth-watering to taste as they are delicious to look at. Incomparably beautiful green, yum.