Chelsea Gem
Eld Inlet, Puget Sound 🌎 See Oyster Map
The original tide-tumbled oyster, from an inlet in South Sound that has been considered one of the “Grand Crus” of PNW oysters for more than a century. Perfect, manicured shape and mild flavor due to constant tidal action.
- Species: Pacific
- Cultivation: Tumbled
- Salinity: Low
- Size: Small
- Region: Puget Sound
Chelsea Gem (6 Ratings)
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Great all around oyster! Easy to open, cucumber up front, mineral finish and great shell to look at. Chelsea farms recently opened their own oyster bar in Olympia featuring other local favorites from the area such as Olympia oyster company and Hamma Hamma. They have some outstanding seafood as well.
Real nice shell. Mid-size, tumbled plump, mild and creamy. I tried plain and ended up mixing that creaminess with a touch of cocktail sauce and horseradish, then back to raw, and back again, at Shaw’s oyster bar, Chicago
My new favorite west coast oyster. Not too “complex” Perfectly briney, amazingly creamy, Bonus points: Easy to shuck (helpful when you’re doing 100’s) and pretty to look at zebra striped undersides. Keep up the good works ChelseaFarms!
A very good oyster, have tried several times over many months.
Sweet start, mineral, briny finish.
One of my all time favorite oysters. Great flavor, good meats. Grown in “flip-bags” in Eld Inlet by the Lentz family. Some of my all time favorite people.
Stunning little tumbled Pacifics with a mouthwatering pickled-cucumber brine to them. The white, black, and purple stripes on the deeply scooped shells make them feel like jewelry (or Baltimore Ravens swag). Some seasons, the meats can be a little thin and watery, but the flavor is all there.