Barron Point
Little Skookum Inlet, Puget Sound 🌎 See Oyster Map
Intertidally grown beach oysters farmed on the tidelands where fast-flowing Little Skookum Inlet feeds into Totten Inlet. A lot of freshwater feeding out of Little Skookum results in sweet, musky oysters with solid salinity. Low-density farming leads to oysters with nicely cupped shells.
- Species: Pacific
- Cultivation: Beach
- Salinity: Moderate
- Size: Average
- Region: Puget Sound
Barron Point (2 Ratings)
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maybe the best I’ve ever had and I’ve had a lot. Delicious deep flavor with a creamy texture but meaty I the sense that there was a lot to sink your teeth into
This is one of the best of the South Sound Gigas. It’s got the classic South Sound funk, hints of Brie and mushrooms, but it keeps it clean and natural. Raised by a family with a superb track record.