Oysters are hung in nets or trays suspended from rafts or floats in deep water. This results in a fast-growing oyster with a thin shell and lighter flavor.

Hollie Wood
Baynes Sound, BC

Whaleback Cocktails
Upper Damariscotta River, Maine

Weskeag River, Maine

Beaver Tail
East Passage, Narragansett Bay

Aransas Bay, Texas

Divine Pine
North Carolina

Barstool Cocktail
Rustico Bay, PEI

Pacific Gold
Morro Bay, California

Snow Island
Midcoast Maine

Fishers Island
Fishers Island, New York

Baynes Sound, BC

Marina’s Top Drawer
Cortes Island, BC

Eel Lake
Eel Lake, Nova Scotia

Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand

Snow Hill
Chincoteague Bay, Maryland

Little Buster
Casco Bay

Scarborough River, Maine

Read Island
Read Island, BC

Gay Island
Meduncook River, Maine

Evening Cove
Strait of Georgia, BC

Joe’s Gold
Read Island, BC

Cedar Island Selects
Cedar Island, North Carolina

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