Off-Bottom Cages
Oysters are grown in cages raised a foot or so off the bay bottom. This protects the oysters from predation and keeps them clean. It also results in thinner-shelled oysters.

Olde Salt
Chincoteague Bay, Virginia

Northern Cross
Fishermans Island, Virginia

Chincoteague Salt
Assateague Channel, Virginia

Big Rock
East Dennis, Cape Cod

Peconic Gold
Peconic Bay

Old 1871
Smith Island Inlet, Virginia

Potomac Whitecap
Chesapeake Bay

York River, Virginia

East End
Peconic Bay, Long Island

Eel Lake, Nova Scotia

Beauregard Island
Caminada Bay, Louisiana

Conway Cup
Cascumpec Bay, PEI

Blackberry Point
Malpeque Bay, PEI

Spring Creek
Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod

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