Oysters are grown in mesh bags staked to the bottom in the intertidal zone. This provides protection from predators and facilitates very easy harvesting.

Little Wing
Okeover Inlet, BC

Sawmill Bay
Read Island, BC

Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod Bay

Pickering Passage
Pickering Passage, Puget Sound

Buckley Bay
Baynes Sound, BC

Salish Sea
Baynes Sound, BC

Olympia (South Sound)
Totten Inlet, Puget Sound

Hurricane Island
Little Shemogue Bay, NB

Wildcat Cove
Totten Inlet, Puget Sound

Hood Canal

Ships Point
Baynes Sound, BC

Fanny Bay
Baynes Sound, BC

Deep Bay
Baynes Sound, BC

Sister Point
Hood Canal, Washington

Beach Angel
Cortes Island, BC

Nootka Sound
Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island

Reach Island
Puget Sound

Eld Inlet
Eld Inlet, Puget Sound

Disco Hama
Discovery Bay

Royal Miyagi
Baynes Sound, BC

Komo Gway
Vancouver Island, BC

Lopez Island
Shoal Bay, Lopez Island

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