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375 oysters. Which ones are your favorites?

Oysterater is for everyone who’s ever walked into an oyster bar, stared at a chalkboard full of Bluepoints, Malpeques, Sea Cows and Beavertails, and thought, “How do I decide?” With Oysterater, you can quickly look up every oyster in existence and see what others have to say about it. You can learn where and how it’s grown, how big and salty it tends to be, and what species of oyster it is. You can also use Oysterater to find other oysters like it. If you want (and we very much hope you do), you can join our community of oyster lovers and add your own comments and ratings. You can also keep track of your faves and add Oysterater to your iPhone or Android home screen.


As a French poet once said, “Eating an oyster is like kissing the sea on the lips.” So kiss and tell!


